Module to simplify your European VAT returns every quarter

Module PrestaShop or thirtyy bees to simplify your European VAT returns every quarter

As you must know, the regulations on sales in the European area have changed on July 1, 2021.

The best solution to take into account this regulatory change is to apply the VAT of the country of destination on all orders without getting bogged down with an approximate calculation of whether the €10,000 threshold has been exceeded and to make your declaration to the tax authorities every quarter using the MOSS service.

Basically, whether on PrestaShop or thirty bees, having to make the quarterly declaration of sales volume by European country and the amount of VAT collected by country is difficult to do.

Many accountants do not take care of this declaration or charge you accordingly.

Since I was impacted by this management system back in 2015 based on dematerialized sales, I had developed a little script that would pull up a table to simplify this reporting task for me.

So, I decided to make this script modular to integrate perfectly with the structure of PrestaShop and thirty bees and offer it to you now.

Presentation of the module

This module will allow you to make your declaration without wasting your time.

The module allows you to configure 4 elements:

    1. Start date of the period to be taken into account
    2. End date of the period to be taken into account
      The choice was made not to limit the results to quarters only in order to allow you to access the results over the periods you want, because my clients have a strong tendency to find uses for my modules that I had not imagined
    3. Choice of order status to be taken into account
      The module automatically selects during its installation the status considered as billable
    4. Possibility to display the results also for the native country of the store if you want to check the corresponding values

You just have to validate your choices to display several results tables.

Posted results

The module will display a table by currency containing, for each, the list of all the VAT declarations to be made by country and by tax value.

Basically, if your store collects in several currencies on the European territory, you will have several tables, but for the majority of users, only one will be displayed for all sales settled in Euro.

You will only have to transfer these values to the MOSS tool of the tax authorities.

Each row has the following data in the consistent order of the MOSS form:

  • Country
  • Tax rates
  • Total sales (basis for tax calculation)
  • Total amount of taxes collected

A final table will be available below, grouping each selected order.

This table displays one line per order and indicates the tax rates, the amounts and even allows you, with a simple click, to access the order on your store to refer to it if needed.

This table is folded, you just have to click on it to display it completely

Each table includes a search form to limit the display to the desired data.

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1.1.0 - 08/23/2022

  • Merging of tax lines for countries that do not have the State of Activation option
  • Correction of a calculation bug on the total taxes to declare
  • Addition of the country of each order in the listing of the orders connected by the period

1.0.0 - 08/19/2022

  • Initial commit
