Razzia on free modules
Here is a mass update of several free modules.
Snowfall on PrestaShop
This free module will display snow on your store, simple and discreet, it requires no configuration and offers a small bonus to highlight the winter weather.
Reveal the url for Prestashop exchange rates
In order to correct a strategic error of Prestashop, this module will allow you to know the exact url to call regularly to automatically update your exchange rates according to the currencies installed on your store.
Order reference by numbers
This simple module will allow you to install the necessary overload to replace the creation of order references by numbers rather than letters as is the case in Prestashop, it will make your life easier in your exchanges with your customers.
Server configuration
The biggest update of the free modules since it affects a module that I use almost every time I intervene on a client's site by gathering on a single module all the necessary information on the client's server configuration.
This module is a must have for any professional and also allows you to follow the evolutions that the hosting companies could bring on the configuration of your server if you are a merchant.