Security hole on PrestaShop >= 1.7.5
The PrestaShop team has identified a major security flaw that affects all versions of PrestaShop from version 1.7.5.
This flaw is as of today fixed on version available for download on the PrestaShop website.
Fixing the security hole
1 - by updating PrestaShop
This solution is the most suitable because it allows you to take advantage of all the improvements brought by the latest version of PrestaShop but it engages a long, expensive and also dangerous procedure because we all know, PrestaShop doesn't update itself simply and you must especially be very careful about all the modifications that can block the custom templates that must, also, be updated.
2 - applying a patch
It is possible to apply a patch to correct PrestaShop versions without having to do the full update.
This solution is the fastest way to not jeopardize your business and secure your installation without having to do a big update.
Whatever your choice or need is, don't hesitate to contact me if you want I take care of securing your PrestaShop installation.